Plastic Manufacturing

Plastic parts are found throughout industry, these parts are created during the moulding or extrusion process. Common parts made from Polyethylene can produce Butane fume, Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC produces Hydrogen Chloride, Polypropylene material will produce a very hazardous Formaldehyde, acrolein, and acetone. Another by product that produces Formaldehyde is many acetal materials, parts made with Polystyrene will produce Styrene and aldehyde fume. All of these fumes will irritate the respiratory and can be a carcinogen.
A fume is best filtered by using a HEPA filter, it is very important to protect the expensive HEPA with pre-filters that can range from throwaway filters to more efficient MERV 14 filters. After the HEPA filter many of these fume will have an odor and a variety of different types of activated carbon would be required to remove the odor.
AER Control Systems has a few units depending on the airflow that can be used on plastic manufacturing. For smaller airflows a VMW-10 and larger airflows where the odor is heavy then an HMW Series collector is best.
Plastic parts or materials can be machined, deburred, or ground which can produce plastic dust. Plastic dust can produce a static charge and the cleaning of the filter would have to be addressed by using a filter that will release the statically charged dust. A couple of options for dry plastic dust would be the VSCF, Vertical Small Cartridge Filter unit for smaller airflows to larger airflows such as the VMW, Vertical Cartridge Filter Dust Collector.
- VMW Series — Plastic Injection
- HMW Series — Plastic Injection
- VCF — Dry Plastic Dust
- VSCF — Dry Plastic Dust