
The manufacturing of automotive parts can include machining of metal parts either wet or dry machining. The types of machining would include metal cutting, grinding, milling, broaching, boring, honing and polishing. If it is wet machining where mist is generated then AER Control Systems has many choices from the small machine mounted mist collectors such as the CM, VMW-10 and even the SM-12 to a larger VMW, Fine Fiber and MOD Fiber Mist Collector.
If it is dry machining to include the many processes above a Vertical Cartridge Filter or VCF series would be one option for a central system using are larger VCF Collectors, but our smaller VCF units can handle one or two machines. A very common small compact dust collector is the Dust Cab 800 to be used on pedestal grinders and surface grinders.
The welding of metal parts includes many different materials in the automotive industry such as steel, aluminum, and stainless steel for example. Each of the fumes for these metals produce a different hazard. For steel it is simply iron oxide fume, this fume could be dry or it could be oily, filtering of the oily fume is accomplished differently from the dry, for aluminum, the fume is very fine or small and filtering this fume has to be addressed. For stainless steel welding the fume that is produced has Hexavalent Chromium and OSHA has stated that Hexavalent Chromium is very hazardous to breath, special control and filtering methods need to be addressed.
AER Control Systems has several fume collectors that can be used for collecting and filtering all of these different types of weld fumes. If a Portable Weld Fume collector is the answer then the Small Portable Cartridge or SPC series is the answer. If more of a central system is desired and you don’t have a great deal of floor space then a hanging weld fume collector such as the Horizontal Cartridge Filter or HCF series is the best choice. For both the SPC and HCF you can mount extraction arms directly to these collectors for collecting the weld fume. If a floor mounted collector is desired then the Vertical Cartridge Filter or VCF series is the best collector. This unit comes in multiple sizes and can handle many types of collection devices such as extraction arms or hoods, it is set up to be a central dust collector.
- Combustor — Grinding and Buffing of Flammable Metals, aluminum, titanium
- APB Downdraft — Grinding and Buffing of non-flammable dust such as steel
- SPC — welding of small parts
- VCF & HCF — welding of larger parts
- PBM — Grinding and polishing of large parts
- Mist and Smoke Collectors — CNC Wet Machining
- PFC & Portable Fume Booth — Odor and vapor
- DC-800 — metal grinding dust