Vertical Small Cartridge Filter (VSCF-800) Dust Collector

VSCF-800-Hopper-Casters-HEPA-144x300Have you ever wished that someone made a small self-cleaning cartridge dust collector?  AER Control Systems manufactures a nominal 800 CFM cartridge dust collector with either a 1 or 1.5 HP blower or a 4” or 6” inlet.  This unit provides a more efficient dust collector than our Dust Cab 800 shaker bag dust collector.  The VSCF-800 is a very compact unit, the footprint is only 25.5” wide by 24” deep, and the overall height with the motor is about 4 feet tall.  The standard unit has a 125 square foot cartridge filter, a dust drawer, manual push button air pulse filter cleaning, and a mini-helic filter pressure drop gauge to indicate when to change the filter.  This unit started out to be a simple dust collector, but our sales force has created many options for this small unit including casters, hopper and stand, HEPA After filter, and an on-demand filter cleaning system called our Smart Pulse.  The photo below includes just about every option mentioned above all wrapped into one unit, starting on the bottom you have casters mounted to a base plate where the legs and hopper are attached which support the VSCF-800 that has the Smart Pulse cleaning and a HEPA after filter mounted on the top of the unit.

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